A Heart At Peace January 2024
‘A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.’ Proverbs 14:30
We’ll at the time of writing it is January, Christmas is past and New Years’ Eve is but a memory. It’s that time of year when people have been making New Years resolutions. Gym memberships skyrocket, people buy trainers & take up running, and giving up alcohol for Dry January is becoming more common. Perhaps you don’t do any of these things, but it’s not uncommon at the start of a new year to consider something along the lines of ‘how might I live a better life, perhaps a healthier life, this year?’
There are many different parts of, or ‘books’ in the Bible. Different books of the Bible are different types of literature. Some are poetry, some are historical, and so on. There is a genre of literature in the Bible that is known as ‘Wisdom Literature’, which is generally thought of as providing wise counsel for the reader. The Biblical book of Proverbs falls into this category. Proverbs 14:30 urges us to recognise that our heart and body are linked. That a rotten heart harms the body. Perhaps you have met somebody like this, somebody who just seems bitter, and that has become a way of life for them that affects everything. ‘A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones’ (Proverbs 14:30).
And so, at the start of this year, by all means jump into a healthier diet, do some more exercise, or whatever it is that might make your life healthier. However, I would also encourage you to spend some time considering matters of the heart. Is there a relationship that is broken where you could take the first steps to mend? Is there a negative way of thinking that gradually has become the norm for you and perhaps now is an opportunity to take some steps to change your outlook? Perhaps the very thought of this seems impossible, perhaps it’s too big an ask. If that’s how you’re feeling I’d encourage you to ask God to help you. To say to God “Lord I don’t even know where to start, but I want to, could you please help heal my heart. Amen.”
Rev’d Gareth Hutchinson
Beer Festival
Last Saturday was our 1st Desford Beer Festival. The day seemed to go well with a great
atmosphere and lots of positive comments both during and following the event.
We made a profit of approximately £2000, with a further £150 being raised for Rainbows charity.
THANK YOU to everyone who helped out, your efforts were greatly appreciated!
Christmas Tree Festival
What a fantastic weekend! THANK YOU to everyone who put so much effort into
making it a success.We had over 2000 people come through the festival,
with many smiles and a warm welcome.Were still counting up how much money
was raised, but hope to report this within the next couple of weeks, watch
this space.But once again, THANK YOU to everyone who supported this our
20th Christmas Tree Festival.
Then & Now Booklet
A booklet has been published on St.Martin's Church Desford,
'Then & Now' please follow the link (pdf) to take a look
Desford Scare Crow Festival (27th to 29th Aug)
What a fantastic weekend it was. Thank you the everyone who supported this event, we hope you had a great time! Over the weekend, as well as being involved in the life of our community, we raised funds on the BBQ & Church Café. The BBQ raised estimated profits of £2,800, which will go towards the Church Centre fund. St Martin’s Café took in £1364.73, which will go towards the re-decoration of the sanctuary and chancel area. Thank you again for all your help and support!
Heritage Festival
We want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone involved in the St Martins efforts for the recent Heritage Festival. Things were really busy and we sold many many burgers, hotdogs, cakes, meals, etc… The monies have all now been all been totted up and we can confirm that… The BBQ raised £2562.08 (after expenses) which will go to support the running of the Church Centre. St Martin’s Bistro Café raised £1927.95 (after expenses) which will go to support the life and mission of St Martin’s. Thank you again for everyone who support these initiatives, it’s fantastic!
Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal Update.....
THANK YOU to everyone for supporting this appeal.
Over the two weeks St Martin’s raised a fantastic £1883.88
More than a million people have fled their homes to escape conflict in Ukraine. Leaving behind jobs, belongings and loved ones, they now face an uncertain future. For two next two weeks we will be collecting monies to make a donation on behalf of St Martin’s towards official appeal via the Disasters Emergency Committee. You can make a donation in three ways…
- In church with physical money in the ‘Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal’ pot.
- In church using your bank card via our new contactless giving tablet.
- Online directly to the DEC Appeal using the following link…
- https://donation.dec.org.uk/ukraine-humanitarian-appeal
Thank you for supporting this humanitarian effort.
Fairtrade Fortnight
It is Fairtrade Fortnight from the 21st February to 6th March – a time to focus on the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid. A time to think about helping our neighbours across the world by ensuring we purchase goods that pay a fair price, a living wage, for them.
To coincide with Fairtrade Fortnight the new Spring catalogue from Traidcraft is now available, which includes it Easter Range (lovely yummy chocolate eggs ). It can be viewed online at https://www.traidcraftshop.co.uk/traidcraft-catalogue If you would like a paper copy please let Ceinwen Tilley know and if you would like to order anything please contact her at ceinwen_tilley@btinternet.com, 01455 828229 or speak to her at Church.
All sales through Ceinwen give a 10% donation to St Martins. Please remember to have a look at the stall in Church for various household and grocery goods.
Thank you for your support.
Notepad December 2021
The Christmas Tree Festival will be over by the time you read this, but if you did not manage to come over the four days of the festival, the trees will remain until Twelfth Night, so there will be the opportunity to see them at all of the services in December and early January.
On Sunday 5th December there will be a Children’s Party in Church from 3 – 5pm. All are welcome, but please book by phoning Jane & Ian on 828542. See separate advert for details.
On Tuesday 7th the Forest Group of WIs will hold their Carol Service in Church at 7.30pm. If you want to know more, please phone Lynda on 821228.
On Friday 10th we are delighted to welcome back the Oddfellows Brass Band for a Christmas Concert. See separate advert for details.
Coffee & Chat continues on Tuesday mornings from 10.30 -12 at the Church Centre. Why not drop in one Tuesday?
Our Christmas lunch will be on the 21st instead of the usual second Tuesday. Please sign the list at Coffee & Chat or contact Pat on 823537 patcrane33@gmail.com
Forget me Not meet from 10.30 – 12 on the third Thursday in the month and offer activities, a friendly chat plus coffee and cake for those who have memory loss or dementia and their carers. Please note that in December we will be meeting in the Church, to give people an opportunity to see the Christmas trees. Contact John Coghlan for more information 07943026977 john.coghlan@leics.gov.uk
Don’t forget the Carol Service on Sunday 19th at 6pm and the Christingle Service on Friday 24th at 6pm. All are welcome.
Notepad November 2021
Last month we held our Harvest Festival service and the church was decorated for the occasion. Groceries were donated by the congregation and delivered by Gareth to the foodbank at LFE.
Coffee & Chat continues on Tuesday mornings from 10.30 -12 at the Church Centre. Why not drop in one Tuesday?
If you would like to come for lunch on the second Tuesday in the month, please sign the list at Coffee & Chat or contact Pat on 823537 patcrane33@gmail.com
Forget me Not meet in the Church Centre from 10.30 – 12 on the third Thursday in the month and offer activities, a friendly chat plus coffee and cake for those who have memory loss or dementia and their carers. Please contact John Coghlan for more information 07943026977 john.coghlan@leics.gov.uk
Remembrance Day falls on a Thursday this year and there will be a short Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial, gathering at 10.50am.
On Sunday 14th the service will start at 10.40am at the War Memorial. There will also be a short service at 12.30 at Botcheston War Memorial and 2.30 at Kirby Grange Memorial.
The end of this month sees the return of our Christmas Tree Festival, which had to be cancelled last year. Please see the separate advert which gives details of all that is happening. We look forward to welcoming lots of visitors. If you cannot manage to come over the four days of the festival, the trees will remain until Twelfth Night, so there will be the opportunity to see them at all of the services in December and early January.
A Few Pictures from Our Harvest Festival Service
Dear Fun Raisers and Supporters of St. Martin’s
A big thank you for your help in providing a wonderful and much enjoyed celebration to officially welcome Gareth and family to the benefice. It was a very warm and happy occasion, much enjoyed by those attending; and we received many compliments on the day not just for the abundant spread and drinks provided but for the setting on the church green, not least from Bishop Martyn.
After a busy few weeks, you might think it is time to have a rest and relax but I’m sorry to disappoint you; Christmas Tree Festival (Friday 26th – Monday 29th inclusive) is only 11 weeks away and much organizing and preparation is required if we are to be ready in time to open the festival on Friday 26th November at 10am. . . . . . . .
And with no time to lose we hope that many of you will be available to meet on Thursday 16th September at 12.30 in the church to start that process. If you cannot make this meeting please let Pat or Maggie know and we can chat through our ideas and your suggestions etc and take to the meeting on your behalf.
Hoping to see as many of you as can make it on the 16th.
Fairtrade in St.Martin's
We are pleased to say that the Traidcraft stall is back in Church following its temporary removal due to lockdowns and social distancing. Some of the regular items are included along with a few new ones so please come and have a look. We do have the Traidcraft Autumn catalogue (including new Christmas range), which can also be viewed online.
Notepad October 2021
On Sunday 5th September, after almost 18 months in the job, Gareth Hutchinson was finally licensed as Rector for the benefice of St Martin’s, Desford, and St Bartholomew’s, Kirby Muxloe. The service was taken by Bishop Martyn, assisted by the Archdeacon of Loughborough and witnessed by members of both churches. Afterwards, everyone was able to sit in the sunshine on the church green and enjoy conversation and refreshments.
Coffee & Chat continues on Tuesday mornings from 10.30 -12 at the Church Centre. Why not drop in one Tuesday?
The Tuesday lunches have re-started. If you would like to come on the second Tuesday in the month, please sign the list at Coffee & Chat or contact Pat on 823537
We also resumed Forget me Not in September.
We meet in the Church Centre from 10.30 – 12 on the third Thursday in the month and offer activities, a friendly chat plus coffee and cake for those who have memory loss or dementia and their carers. Please contact John Coghlan for more information 07943026977 john.coghlan@leics.gov.uk
On October 3rd it will be our Harvest Festival service and everyone is welcome.
Notepad September 2021
As the schools settle into the new term, we hope that some of our regular activities will be able to resume after a gap of 18 months.
Coffee & Chat continues to be popular and we would welcome a few volunteers to join the rota. Why not drop in one Tuesday and see what is involved?
The Tuesday lunches start this month, but places for the 14th must be booked by 7th September. Please contact Pat on 823537 patcrane33@gmail.com if you would like to add your name to the list.
We also hope to resume Forget me Not sessions on Thursday 16th. We meet in the Church Centre from 10.30 – 12 and offer activities, a friendly chat plus coffee and cake for those who have dementia and their carers. Please contact John Coghlan for more information 07943026977 john.coghlan@leics.gov.uk
Notepad May 2021
In mid-April we were pleased to return to services in church. However, not everyone feels ready to meet indoors, so services will also continue online for the time being.
The outdoor services on Easter Sunday were able to go ahead, thanks to a lovely sunny morning.
We hope that families enjoyed following the Easter Trail around the village.
After the service on Sunday 23rd at 12.30 we will be holding the Annual Church Meeting. This is the time when we look back at the past year and elect the churchwardens and members of the PCC (Parochial Church Council) for the year ahead.
Easter Day Outdoor Service
Just a few photo's from our Easter Service
Notepad April 2021
The good news is that from 11th April we hope to be able to hold services in church once more. Social distancing measures will apply, but we look forward to meeting again.
In the meantime, we are hoping to hold two outdoor services on Easter Sunday (as long as it is not raining). There will be a Dawn Service at 7.30am and a Holy Communion Service at 11.15am to which all are welcome
For the time being the online services will continue for those who can access our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_B0Evb69xYeevGbVtX5tBA.
We have an online prayer meeting at 7.30 on Monday evenings for half an hour https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88198510430?pwd=WjZXTFZmMG5QZDA3cmFyc2VRSEF3UT09
Or try Prayer During the Day on Wednesdays at 12 noon https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84649709272?pwd=ZHJxZ0VqVW1TOUpYS3BCMThxd1JSUT09
Notepad January 2021
By the time you read this, we will be thinking about taking down our Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night. Thank you to everyone who put up lights and decorations in their front gardens for everyone to enjoy.
Christmas was different for many of us, but we hope that you managed to follow the online services if you were unable to attend one of the socially distanced services in church.
Online services will continue to be an option for the time being.
A short online service for children is also available once a fortnight.
We have an online prayer meeting on Monday evenings for half an hour and a 5 minute video on Wednesday evenings.
All links are on our home page.
Outdoor Carol Service (Covid Safe)
It was nice to see people at the outdoor carol service, and all following
social distancing rules, Thank you all for your support at this difficult time
Remembrance 2020
You can still view our Online Remembrance Service, you’ll find it on the Desford Remembrance 2020 YouTube channel here
Remembrance Window Poppies
We have created a poppy worksheet for the local school, the idea being that people can colour in the poppy picture and put it up in their window. Please do feel welcome to participate in this and again share it as widely as is possible,
here is the worksheet…
Poppy Picture Worksheet
(you will need Acrobat to view this)
Our Outdoor Service (Social Distanced)
A selection of photos from our very successful outdoor Sunday services followed by a picnic,
led by Gareth our new Rector. Please note the social distancing that we employ.
Next service Sunday 27th September at 12 noon – bring a chair and a picnic.
From the 1st Sunday of October we are planning to hold a service each
Sunday morning with social distancing – watch for details.
New Internal Door
Here is a photograph of the new internal church door,
it will be having a St. Martin’s logo transfer put on it. The oak doors have been taken away for refurbishment and will be replacing the outer wire mesh monstrosities in 2 weeks.
Thanks to Nev Hammonds for his hard work coordinating this project.
A Service of Welcome, Replay
Just in case you missed it (around 100 watched) there is a recording of Gareth’s licensing If you want to see it again, from the outside, you can watch it back at:
The words interim priest is a legal thing as Gareth can’t be licensed as Rector unless he is in one of the churches, that will happen later in the year with a proper welcome.
Message from Reverend Gareth Hutchinson
Hello St Martin’s and St Bart’s,
We were asked to write a few words to say “hello” and share a little bit about ourselves, although we hope it won’t be too long until we can meet you in person.
Laura, Noah, Eli and I are all very excited about coming to join you in the near future. We have been based at Church of the Martyrs in Westcotes for the past three years, having previously lived and studied at Trinity College Bristol. We’re a fairly mixed bunch with Laura originating from Sheffield, Gareth born in Northern Ireland but has lived all over the UK, then Noah and Eli both born in Swindon, but having lived in Bristol and now Leicester.
As a family, among us we have interests in tennis, climbing, hiking, hot-chocolate& cake, and walking the dog (a Miniature Schnauzer named Millie). Gareth’s currently coming to know and love the wonderful world of freshly brewed coffee. During our time in Leicester Laura has been working part-time as a teacher (in Hinckley), whilst also starting up a charity named Baby Basics Leicester which helps support new mums & families who are struggling to meet the financial & practical burden of looking after a new baby(find out more about them here… www.babybasicsleicester.co.uk
As we read the Parish Profile, visited and then came for interview we were excited by the desire present in St Martin’s & St Bart’s to come to know more and more what God is doing in Desford and Kirby Muxloe, and to then join in with Him in that. As we had the opportunity to meet some of you, we were so very thankful for the warm welcome received. Over these past few months I’m sure we’ve all been missing seeing friends and family, found certain challenges in adapting to a society affected by Coronavirus, and perhaps had opportunity to learn some new skills or patterns for living. I have been encouraged, and indeed challenged by the words of God to ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46). I don’t know about you, but to me ‘being still’ is something that sounds ‘nice’ as a memory verse, however in reality is much more of a challenge and necessity.
If you read Psalm 46, you’ll very quickly see that the picture presented is not of a nice peaceful summer’s day with the psalmist laying back enjoying the warmth and quiet. Rather it’s an experience of seismic shift, when their world is quaking. Yet God who is our refuge and indeed strength, let us know that shelter, stillness, peace, and embrace are found as we recognised the nearness of God… ‘The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.’ This doesn’t necessarily make things easy, but it does assure us that whatever and wherever we find ourselves, God is near and will always draw us near.
God bless, we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Gareth, Laura, Noah and Eli.
Notepad July 2020
On the evening of 30th June, the Bishop of Leicester licensed Revd Gareth Hutchinson as our interim priest. People took part remotely in their own homes and parishioners were able to watch the service on you tube and join in the prayers and hymn. Gareth will be inducted as the Rector of Desford and Kirby Muxloe when we allowed to use the church for services and we look forward to welcoming Gareth, his wife Laura and sons Noah and Eli when circumstances allow. Unfortunately, the day of his licensing was also the day that Leicester’s lockdown was extended for an extra 2 weeks, so, at the time of writing, Gareth, who is still living in Leicester, had not been able to come out to Desford or Kirby
The end of June also saw a great physical improvement at St Martin’s Church. The ugly metal grating across the entrance to the porch has gone. In its place are the oak doors, which were formerly on the inside of the porch. You may remember that last month we showed you a photo of the new inner door. The glass panel of this door now has an “etching”
We hope that it won’t be long before everyone can visit the church; whether that is for private prayer, a service, or just
to admire the doors – you will all be welcome.
Dear Friends..
30th June was another notable occasion in the history of St. Martin’s, with the licensing of our new Rector, the Revd. Gareth Hutchinson. Due to the present situation it had to be by Zoom where a few people took part, and on you tube which was available for an unlimited number of people to watch. However, we will be able to welcome Gareth more fully sometime in the future when all the necessary procedures will be completed.
In the meantime we pray for Gareth, his wife Laura and children Noah and Eli as they move and take over the responsibilities of the Benefice.
How have you been in the past months, and what have you been doing with your time, if like me you have had to self- isolate due to age and medical condition.
I hope you have been able to pass the time profitably. From the numerous telephone conversations I have had, I gather gardens have never looked so good, many jig saws have been done, knitting, crochet and craft projects have been achieved. Also many cupboards, drawers, garages and attics have been turned
out. If, like us, you may have been keeping our stalwart bin collectors busy with full bins; on occasions we certainly could have made use of a larger bin!
For others who have had to work from home and see that their children complete the school work they have been sent, it has not
always been easy, and quite often they have had to work late at night once the children are in bed.
Personally, I have spent quite a lot of the time going through my old diaries which I have been keeping every year since 1946 and putting them into book form. It has been very interesting being reminded of all things that have happened during the past 74 years.
To all those of you who have kept on working, especially in the NHS, shop workers and anyone who has gone the extra mile to help those of us who have needed support during this time, we are extremely grateful.
We pray for and remember anyone who has been affected in any way by the lockdown. What now are we to look forward to as we learn to live safely in the ‘new normal’ with coronavirus, which is predicted to be with us for some time. We hope and pray that the world will become a better place. That a new vaccine will be found; reasons why certain people have died from the virus may be found; all people will be treated equally and have the resources they need to live safely; that global warming and pollution will be reduced.
I look forward to the day when we will all be able to meet again, in church, at Coffee and Chat, at the Craft Group and other activities and meetings.
May God bless you all and keep you safe.
Peter Folks
Notepad June 2020
Guidance from the Church of England continues to discourage us from distributing printed materials. We do not have email addresses for all our subscribers, so it may be that you received this from a friend or deliverer. Please email patcrane33@gmail.com if you would like to be added to our mailing list.
We hope that all our readers are still keeping safe and well and finding plenty to do to keep the mind and body active.
Revd Gareth Hutchinson will be licensed as the new Rector of Desford and Kirby Muxloe on Tuesday, 30th June at 7 p.m., by Bishop Martyn. The service will take place either at St Martin’s Church or remotely – to be decided nearer the time, depending on developments in lockdown advice
We look forward to welcoming Gareth, his wife and family when circumstances allow
Rob continues to provide our virtual Sunday services. Thank you Rob
After missing the April meeting, the Parish Council are now meeting on zoom
The Covid Support Groups in both Botcheston and Desford have been much appreciated by residents. Thank you to the volunteers who continue to give their time to help others
Notepad May 2020
As most events and activities have been postponed until further notice, we have very little to report this month.
We hope that all our readers are keeping safe and well and finding plenty to do to keep the mind and body active. Thank you to all those who have sent jokes and stories to cheer us up.
We were delighted to hear that Revd Gareth Hutchinson has been appointed as the new Rector of Desford and Kirby Muxloe and look forward to welcoming him, his wife and family when circumstances allow.
Rob has been doing a great job, providing our virtual Sunday services, these can be fond on our Home page and Facebook page. Thank you Rob.
The Parish Council were pleased to appoint 2 new councillors just before we went into lockdown. Welcome to Gavin Eldridge and Kate Priestnall. Gavin has jumped in at the deep end and been instrumental in organising the Covid Support Group in Desford.
2019 AGM Reports and Details
These are pdf file and will need Acrobat (Free) to use read them.
St. Martin's Craft Group
A very friendly group meets on Thursday mornings in St. Martin’s church between 10.00am and 12 noon for handicrafts, tea, coffee with delicious snacks ( supplied by our wonderful waiters, Dennis and Mick) and always friendly chat – all are welcome.
The various items knitted are sold for church funds or donated to hospitals (for example premature baby clothes, twiddle muffs and lap blankets for the elderly).
St. Martin's Visit the Kiki Wong Resaurant
Here are some photos from the Kiki Wong vist for the Chinese New Year
The St. Martin’s Church Desford “Estates Group” and partners went to the Kiki Wong Chinese restaurant on Wednesday organised by Ray Harwood. The meal was superb and the Lion Dance was amazing, all celebrating Chinese new year. Our “Estates group needed some R & R after many hours in 2019 erecting and dismantling marquees, moving tables and chairs etc. etc. for several events. Batteries recharged we are now ready for 2020. New volunteers are always welcome – many hands make light work.
Notepad April 2020
Drop in for Coffee & Cake from 10 – 1 on Saturday 4th in St Martin’s Church. All are welcome.
Lunches at the Church Centre will be on Tuesday 14th. Please let us know in advance if you would like to come. Phone 823537 by the 10th if you have not signed the list.
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 2nd we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 16th we meet in the Church Centre. Do come and say hello if you think it might suit you or someone you know.
The Craft Group meet in church on Thursdays from 10 – 12. New faces are always welcome – just drop in to give it a try.
Messy Church this month will be on Sunday 26th 4pm at the Church Centre.
There are craft activities for families with children up to 10, while Awesome Youff provides activities for older children. Both sessions end with a meal and all are welcome.
On Good Friday morning, members of Churches Together will be handing out free hot cross buns in 3 locations. Do come and say hello.
On Alzheimers Society and our 2 local Forget me Not groups. Please support this event.
April 16th Newbold Verdon Community Choir are performing in a concert to raise money for
Notepad March 2020
Drop in for Coffee & Cake from 10 – 1 on Saturday 7th in St Martin’s Church. All are welcome.
Lunches at the Church Centre will be on Tuesday 10th. Please let us know in advance if you would like to come. Phone 823537 by the 6th if you have not signed the list.
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 5th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 19th we meet in the Church Centre. Do come and say hello if you think it might suit you or someone you know.
The Craft Group meet in church on Thursdays from 10 – 12. New faces are always welcome – just drop in to give it a try.
On Friday 6th Women’s World Day of Prayer will be celebrated in St Martin’s Church at 2pm. We will be thinking about Zimbabwe.
Messy Church this month will be on Sunday 15th 4pm at the Church Centre. This is a week earlier than usual. There are craft activities for families with children up to 10, while Awesome Youff provides activities for older children. Both sessions end with a meal and all are welcome.
On Saturday 21st we welcome back the Oddfellows Brass Band for a concert in St Martin’s Church at 7.30pm. Please book your tickets early to avoid disappointment by phoning Margaret on 822939.
Dear Friends
I expect you will be reading this a few days after the beginning of Lent.
So did you celebrate Collop Monday and Shrove Tuesday before Ash Wednesday?
I expect you celebrated Shrove Tuesday with the usual pancakes.
In days gone by, both days were times of fun and feasting before the solemn period began.
Collops means pieces of meat and pancakes are of course made with eggs flour and milk.
I can remember making dozens of pancakes and organising pancake races and having lots of fun.
In other parts of the world it can be carnival time, again with feasting and merry-making.
Shrove means to Shrive when people in Anglo Saxon times went to
confession to be forgiven for their past sins. In certain places the Pancake
Bell used to be rung, usually at 11am in the morning to signify the merrymaking could begin,
the pancakes could be made and perishable goods eaten up before Lent began.
I remember reading that, years ago, the Bell Ringer in Whetstone was paid a small sum to ring
the Pancake Bell. All Saints Church, Bingley, in West Yorkshire is one of the few
churches which still ring the Pancake Bell.
We could think we are cheating if we celebrate Shrove Tuesday and do not follow it with Lent.
So how are we to keep Lent? Do we ‘give up’ something, which is always a good thing,
be more positive in spending time with and caring for other people,
which is a good weapon in our fight against selfishness.
Alms giving have always been a part of Lent: the Bishop of
Leicester has a Lenten appeal for SoundCafe where people who are vulnerable,
socially isolated or who experience homelessness can benefit.
It is also a time for a change of heart, to look more closely at the way we live our lives.
It can also be a time for extra prayers and Bible reading and study.
I pray that we may all be able to spend Lent in such a way that we will
be able to celebrate the greatest event in history, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.
I wish you all a Blessed Lent and Easter
Notepad February 2020
Saturday lunches: Sadly, the decision has been made to discontinue these lunches, due to the reduced number of volunteers available to help. However, the good news is that Coffee & Cake will still be served from 10 – 1 on the first Saturday in the month. Do drop in for a chat or for some quiet time
On Sunday 2nd at 6pm we have our annual Candlemas Service. This is particularly for all who have been to a baptism, wedding or funeral over the past year and wish to remember loved ones. All are welcome
Lunches at the Church Centre will be on Tuesday 11th. Please let us know in advance if you would like to come. Phone 823537 by the 7th if you have not signed the list
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 6th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 20th we meet in the Church Centre. Do come and say hello if you think it might suit you or someone you know
The Craft Group meet in church on Thursdays from 10 – 12. New faces are always welcome – just drop in to give it a try
Messy Church this month will be on Sunday 23rd 4pm at the Church Centre. There are craft activities for families with children up to 10, while Awesome Youff provides activities for older children. Both sessions end with a meal and all are welcome
The Beaufort Entertainers Christmas Concert
On the Saturday of the Christmas Tree Festival, the Beaufort Entertainers provided a lively and entertaining selection of choral works, for a capacity audience in the beautifully lit and decorated St Martin’s Church.
The first half comprised pieces from The Messiah by GF Handel: the second half being carols and congregational pieces. The selection from The Messiah was conducted by Mary in a powerful and vigorous manner. The evening began with Peter’s very sensitive Overture, leading Mike into Comfort Ye and Ev’ry Valley, then the choir with the rousing And the Glory. Two solos followed, with Qyan and Phillipa singing the changing mood pieces of Thus Saith the Lord (bass) and But Who May Abide (alto) with great sensitivity. The tempo then went up in the choral piece And He Shall Purify, certainly one of the most demanding pieces in the whole work. Mary’s hard and determined work on this in practice sessions finally paid off, in a vigorous rendering, without any major disasters! The recitative Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive and the solo O Thou that Tellest were performed by Phillipa, leading the choir into the last part of that great air. The mood then became very somber and dark as Qyan sang For Behold, Darkness and The People That Walked in Darkness. The typical Handelian operatic touch then lifted the spirits sky-high with the splendid For, Unto Us, performed with vigour. Peter then brought us into the calmness of the Pastoral Symphony continuo, leading to Steph performing the two soprano solos And The Angel Said, then And Suddenly There Was With The Angel. This part was rounded off very strongly with the great chorus Glory to God. This tribute to George Frederick Handel was rounded off by the rousing Halleluyah chorus and Worthy Is The Lamb, with its gradual ascent into the final (very testing!) Amen chorus. The first half was well received by the audience.
After the interval, the concert resumed under the very able direction of David for a well thought out assembly of Christmas pieces, with a selection of John Rutter’s arrangements and compositions set against contrasting traditional and other works. The first three pieces were all Rutter works. Angel’s Carol, a zippy piece intended to be taken at a good pace came over very well. Next was the Christmas Lullaby, dedicated to his friend and mentor Sir David Wilcocks. This gentle work, framed around the famous Ave Maria chorus, moved along with a soulful flow, with a fine pianissimo ending. The last Rutter piece was his version of a Celtic traditional carol Child in a Manger.
The pace then moved up a gear with Sir Malcolm Sargent’s calypso version of the West Indies Spiritual De Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy, moving along in a catchy, syncopated rhythm. This was followed by our own Desford Carol, with words by Carl and music composed by Peter. This transposition of the Christmas story into the wilds and streets of Desford is a somewhat novel creation, which had Zoe singing the verses as a solo, so that we could explore the muddy byways and locations of our village surroundings. It was then the turn of the audience to join in a medley of carols, some sung by the choir alone, some with the enthusiastic assistance of the paying public! O Come, All Ye Faithful was followed by the traditional King Jesus Hath A Garden, a lovely old tune from the Low Countries. Unto Us Is Born A Son led into David Wilcocks’s arrangement of the ancient carol Gabriel to Mary Came, followed by the Gloucestershire Wassail, the whole medley being rounded off by O Little Town of Bethlehem, My Dancing Day and Once in Royal David’s City. A well chosen group of pieces for a medley. The final part of the concert comprised John Rutter’s Candlelight Carol, Karl Jenkins’s Lullaby and the Christmas Blessing by Philip Stopford, all chosen for a calm and restful closing of an entertaining evening.
No account of the concert would be complete without a heartfelt thank you to all those unnamed people who worked hard to make things work for the comfort and pleasure of our guests, whether at the music, the seating arrangements, the refreshments or whatever. It cannot be done without them, but the greatest thank you must still be for the patience, skill and determination of Mary, David and above all, the accompaniment, leadership and enthusiasm of the indomitable Peter.
Notepad January 2020
The Christmas Tree Festival was a great weekend and we would like to thanks all those groups and individuals who decorated a tree and all the people who came to look at them. We hope you enjoyed the experience. If you have not previously participated, but would like to get involved this year, please get in touch on 823537, as planning will start sooner than you think!
The final figure is likely to exceeded £3 000. The charity raffle raised £671 for Menphys and the
fabulous hamper was won by Mrs V Hill.
Saturday lunches to raise money for various charities will start again on 4th January. Coffees also served from 10.30. Please come and support these events.
Lunches at the Church Centre will be on Tuesday 14th. Please let us know in advance if you would like to come. Phone 823537 by the10th if you have not already signed the list.
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 2nd we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 16th we will meet in Church for a special Christmas session.
The Craft Group meet in church on Thursdays from 10 – 12. New faces are always welcome – just drop in to say hello.
Messy Church this month will be on Sunday 26th 4pm at the Church Centre. There are craft activities for families with children up to 10, while Awesome Youff provides activities for older children. Both sessions end with a meal and all are welcome.
Advance notice that on Sunday 2nd February at 6pm we will hold our annual Candlemas Service. This is particularly for all who have been to a baptism, wedding or funeral over the past year and wish to remember loved ones. All are welcome.
Notepad December 2019
Notepad November 2019
Charity Lunches will be on 2nd November. Hot lunches are available in the Church between 12 and 2, with coffee & cake from 10.30.
Notepad October 2019
Desford Scarecrow Festival – 2019
1st: The Great British Bake Off - Sports & Medical Bracing UK
Festival Weekend was busy!
Hope you all had a good bank holiday – did you take part in the scarecrow festival and make your own?
Did you manage to go around and see them all? I understand “The Great British Bake-off” & Dads’ Army won quite a few awards.
St. Martin’s scarecrow was “Wurzel’s tea shoppe and we are grateful to those who supplied clothing or items for the tea table, made hats or created signs etc.
WE CAME JOINT SECOND in the BUSINESS & COMMUNITY GROUP category.! Well done us.!
(our certificate actually says 3rd place – they weren’t expecting a tie!
Thank you to everyone who supplied cakes etc – our freezer was full and our refreshments didn’t run out! Although the cups, serviettes and plates did! Cor!
Thank you to everyone who helped on the rotas for church and bbq – it was quite warm in the bbq gazebo!
Thank you especially to those who helped on Saturday which included a Golden Wedding Celebration for Florence and Tennyson – what an occasion!
It was a very hot 3 days and the finale on Monday evening’s prize giving was great. The front green was so crowded – in fact all weekend the “green” was a hub with people taking a breather to listen or watch the various performers whilst the children could amuse themselves on the slide.
Message from Pat,
Hope all the St Martin's volunteers are recovering overnight. It has been a great weekend and DiB are very grateful that you pulled out all the stops and worked round the Golden Wedding and managed to do the tea & cakes as well as the BBQ. We had quite a few comments saying how great it was to see the church and churchyard being used for such a big community event. Please could you send a thank you round the St M circulation list on our behalf.
All our efforts have raised £796 for church funds and £1,765 for our centre refurbishment – work on which will be in September when we hope to have the back windows replaced and new lights and sockets put it.
Thank you all once again.
Editors Notepad June 2019
The Craft Group meets in church on Thursday mornings from 10 – 12. All are welcome.
Editors Notepad May 2019
Editors Notepad April 2019
Please let us know in advance if you would like to come.
Phone 823537 by the 6th if you have not already signed the list
On Thursday 4th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on
Thursday 18th at St Martin’s Church Centre
A Craft Group meets in church on Thursday mornings from 10 – 12. All are welcome
so why not come along. It will be followed by a faith supper
If you intend to come, please let one of the churches know, as food will be served
You are welcome to all of these
Please note that the Church Centre will be closed during Easter week so that the floor can be treated
Editors Notepad March 2019
Please let us know in advance if you would like to come.
Phone 823537 by the 5th if you have not already signed the list
On Thursday 7th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on
Thursday 21st at St Martin’s Church Centre
clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in
On Sunday 24th Messy Church will have a special session in advance of Mothering Sunday.
Come and have fun making a present; 4pm at the Church Centre
Editors Notepad January 2019
We would like to say a big thank you to all the community groups and individuals
who decorated a tree for the Christmas Tree Festival. I think that visitors
would agree that many of them were very informative as well as lovely to look at.
The raffle raised £690 for Rainbows Hospice
Lunches at the Church Centre will be on 8th January.
Please let us know in advance if you would like to come.
Phone 823537 by the 4th if you have not already signed the list
On Thursday 3rd we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on
Thursday 17th at St Martin’s Church Centre
clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. We reopen on 8th January
This is particularly for all who have been to a baptism, wedding or funeral over the past
year and wish to remember loved ones.
The 16th Christmas Tree Festival
This has probably involved as much work as any of the previous 15 and maybe more!
The church has been open for four days on the trot and we've had markets inside and out on Fri and Sat, meals galore, a concert which has successfully adapted to challenges in the build up and a well attended Advent Spiral service.
The bells have rung, the marquees have survived the gales, sausages and burgers have been cooked in abundance, the village has turned out in numbers despite some long damp periods - Santa has been imaginatively settled in a horsebox and supported by his elves, many hundreds have been raised for Rainbows - and in and around all of that dozens of Christmas trees have transformed the church and engaged the community.
As was often said in the build up, we cannot run an event like this without the support of a wide spread of the St Martin's membership - so thank you VERY much for all you have contributed by way of skills, time gifts and partnership!
Especial effort has been given by a core few - you know who you are, [because you are now tired!!] and especial thanks are due to you.
Once again the greatest effort, the most imagination and the longest time has been contributed by our team leaders, Maggie and Pat.
Deep thanks to you from all of us!
And may all know the peace and joy of Christmas as this season develops!
From Pat and Maggie
To everyone who helped, supported and visited the 16th Christmas Tree Festival.
It has been a truly wonderful and at times magical experience to see the church full of people, enjoying the joy and wonder of Advent leading up to Christmas; and especially the children, running around, marvelling at the decorated trees, reading about events in history and counting ships (even mums and dads).
None of this would have been possible without the enormous amount of support we have received at each stage of the planning, organisation and implementation of the festival.
Thank you to:
Ray and his amazing estates and electrical team;
Robin and all who produced and arranged the publicity;
Our many cooks, bakers and the BBQ team;
Our stewards and welcomers; stall holders, washer uppers and servers;
To the many individuals, groups and organisations who took inspiration from our theme and with skill and imagination provided us with a vast and interesting mix of trees depicting events from history, all beautifully displayed;
To Santa for finding time in his busy schedule to visit us twice, and his Elf helpers;
To the choir for their carol singing on Friday evening;
To The Beaufort Entertainers for entertaining us on Saturday evening;
And to Peter Folks for arranging and leading our Advent Spiral Service of lessons and Advent carols on Sunday evening.
Although the marquee has been dismantled and Santa with his grotto has moved on to meet other children, the trees will remain in the church until 12th night (5th January) and can be viewed before and after our Sunday and Christmas services or by contacting any one of us to arrange a time to visit.
Editors Notepad December 2018
with the church open every day; the Christmas Market on Friday evening and Saturday
afternoon (with Santa & stalls); the Christmas Concert on Saturday evening
and the Advent Spiral Service on Sunday evening. Super refreshments are available every day.
Please come and see all the lovely trees decorated by community groups and individuals.
Please let us know in advance if you would like to come.
Phone 823537 by the 4th if you have not already signed the list
On Thursday 6th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12
and on Thursday 20th at St Martin’s Church
clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. We will close on 18th December and reopen on 8th January
On Monday 17th we will take part in Radio Leicester’s Sing Christmas.
Everyone welcome to come and sing carols at Botcheston Village Hall, 6,45 for a 7pm start
Christingle Service on Christmas Eve at 6pm. All are welcome
Editors Notepad November 2018
There will be hot lunches, mulled wine and all the usual stalls and games
returns to give a talk about the Master Works of the Christmas Story.
This will be followed by refreshments and – for those that wish to
stay – a service of hymns and carols at 5pm
As I’m sure you are aware, Remembrance Sunday this year falls on the 11th November.
There will be the usual services at Desford War Memorial at 10.45, at
Botcheston War Memorial at 12.30 and at Kirby Grange War Memorial at 2.30.
In the evening we have an Armistice Concert presented by the Oddfellows Brass Band,
which will raise money for the British Legion.
If you have not already bought your ticket, it may be sold out!
On Thursday 1st we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on
Thursday 15th at St Martin’s Church Centre.
clothes & bric-a-brac for sale
so there will be lunch at the Church Centre on 13th. We are asking people
to let us know in advance that they are coming , so, if you have not signed up for this month,
please phone 823537 by the 6th
and making decorations for the Messy Christmas tree
starts on Friday 30th November with the church open every day; the Christmas Market on
Friday evening and Saturday afternoon (with Santa & stalls); the Christmas Concert on
Saturday evening and the Advent Spiral Service on Sunday evening.
Super refreshments are available every day. Please come and see all the
lovely trees decorated by community groups and individuals.
This year’s theme is Events in History
Editors Notepad October 2018
Coffee & lunches raising money for charity will be on the usual first Saturday 6th from 10.30 – 2.30 in church.
This will be the last occasion for this year.
The first Saturday in November will be the Martinmas Fair and the first Saturday in December will be the Christmas Tree Festival.
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers.
On Thursday 4th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 18th at St Martin’s Church Centre.
For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
All are welcome to our Harvest Festival on Sunday 7th at 10.30am.
The service will be followed by a bring & share picnic lunch.
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale.
At the time of going to press it is uncertain whether there will be Tuesday lunches on the 9th. So far, only 2 people have come forward, which is not enough.
If you are able to help, please contact 823537 as soon as possible.
On Saturday 13th there will be a Poppy Workshop from 10 – 12.30 at the Church Centre.
Look out for posters with details.
Messy Church & Awesome Youff will be on Sunday 28th, meeting at 4pm at the Church Centre.
New families are always welcome. We have craft activities based around a theme, a short service in church and a meal to finish with.
Scarecrow Festival A Great Success
Hope to managed to get around to see the Scarecrows this bank holiday and did you see the interview on tv just outside our church wall – clearly displaying our lovely Suffragette ladies?
We were very busy over the weekend with centre refreshments on Saturday, bbq and church teas over 3 days!
WE managed to raise £2,970.50 for church funds and centre refurbishment.
Thank you to all who donated food – lots of it! Thank you to those who came to greet people in church or work behind the scenes in kitchens and bbq’s
We really needed your help!
Editors Notepad September 2018
Coffee & lunches raising money for charity will be on the usual first Saturday 1st from 10.30 – 2.30 in church
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 6th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 20th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale.
The annual Ride & Stride takes place on Saturday 8th. The church will be open from 10 – 6 to receive visitors.
Also on the 8th we have a popular Murder Mystery Evening at the Church Centre. Tickets are selling fast from 822939.
Tuesday lunches are on the 11th. We have been looking for new helpers to cook these lunches as the small number of people who have been providing them are getting older and feel they can no longer continue. So far, only 1 person has come forward, which is not enough. If you are able to help, please contact 823537 as soon as possible. If insufficient help is forthcoming, I’m afraid that September will be the last Tuesday lunch
Messy Church & Awesome Youff will resume on Sunday 23rd, meeting at 4pm at the Church Centre. New families are always welcome. We have craft activities based around a theme, a shirt service in church and a meal to finish with.
Editors Notepad August 2018
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 2nd we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 16th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale
Tuesday lunches this month will be on 14th. We are looking for new helpers to cook these lunches as the small number of people who have been providing them are getting older and feel they can no longer continue. If you are able to help, please contact 823537. If insufficient help is forthcoming, I’m afraid that September will be the last Tuesday lunch
Coffee & lunches raising money for charity will be on the usual first Saturday 4th from 10.30 – 2.30 in church
15th Phyllis Chapman Parish Adventure!
(Tom, Bev & Peter, Clive Chapman, 2 from Kirby Muxloe and 21 from St Martins)
Thursday 5th July saw Brenda, Stella, Tony and Margaret off to Canterbury Lodge in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral – where everyone was staying.
It was a great day because Brenda was celebrating her 80th birthday, so as soon as we had arrived and settled in we set off to explore the city (that means going out of the main gate!) and look for a place where we could eat that night.
Having selected a few possibilities,we made our way back and bumped into Jane & Ray – a long natter later they decided to join us in the evening. We went a bit further on and met Jane & Mike – a long natter later they decided to join us in the evening too.
So 8 jolly folk descended on an Italian restaurant and had a lovely time – we put a candle in Brenda’s dessert and sang “Happy Birthday” to her.
Friday saw us off to Whitstable for a tour of the seaside and a stop for coffee in the castle – a walk around the gardens (noticed a scarecrow – photo shoot!) and then on to Herne Bay… which has a pier with a carousel, bungee jump? (where you put on a harness and go up and down - thankfully closed), ice-cream kiosk and a pub! Brenda, still in holiday / birthday mood decided we should have a ride on the carousel. A bit windy around the corners but we held on and smiled as Stella & Tony took photos. Ice cream followed for the ladies whilst Tony had a pint – of Good Shepherd ale – (he did spend all the time rounding we three ladies up!)
Back at the hotel we all (27) gathered in the lovely garden before going in to eat.
Saturday – We were saddened to receive a text from Robin to say that our dear friend Ruth had died early that morning –No doubt we all said our private prayers for him and all Ruth’s family.
After breakfast, being grateful to Canterbury for putting on their third Medieval Pageant on the weekend we had picked, we went to the park where we saw adults and children dressed up for the occasion with ancient swords and musical instruments. Most of the schools get involved with this event and anyone can join in the parade. The floats were very large and were on wheels (except for one I think as we saw a pair of legs inside – very hot job to do). The crowds gathered around the West Gate and waited patiently for 11am start …. But one of the wheels had come off a float so it was 11.15 when they started – led by two knights on (real) horses. The parade involved “the king” (Henry II) in sackcloth and barefoot making his way as a penance for (apparently) ordering the assassination of Thomas Becket –on 29 December 1170.
Just time for lunch in the Cathedral garden before donning audio links in the Cathedral itself and working our way round a very large and beautiful building. We left before a special Evensong at 3.15 so we could get ready for the evening. About 16 of us had booked the Cathedral’s summer party which meant meeting for Pimms and canapés in the garden, listening to Sarah Banks before a sit down 3 course dinner and entertainment by the Soul Monkeys in the Clagett Auditorium. A disco followed!
Sunday- we gathered in the garden and said our prayers for Ruth and her family and also remembering Penny (whose birthday would have been on Monday, the day after). We joined the congregation for Eucharist at 11am where we were “mentioned in despatches” and Maggie, Ray and Tony took the elements up to the altar.
It was then time for some to go home, but we four again had lunch in the garden before gingerly getting in a punt for a historic tour of the river. Fun getting in and fun getting out – but we made it. Brenda then decided it was time for her to visit the Fenwick’s sale, while we three went around “Canterbury Tales” which was the only disappointing thing we did. It needs a good refurbishment!
Thirteen went looking for an evening meal! – Some places were closed being Sunday, but eventually in a little alley we saw the Olive Garden. A little chat to the very nice man explaining we were 13 saw him ushering us up to the upper room where we sat around one table. It was a great restaurant serving Sunday roasts, Spanish and Moroccan food! Something for everyone. They really made us very welcome and after a little walk around the streets to cool off it was time to go back, pack and get ready for our morning departure.
All in all a great weekend -
The fab four (because we had a fab time)
Editors Notepad July 2018
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 5th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 19th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale
Many members of St Martin’s church will be travelling down to Canterbury for this year’s Away Weekend. We look forward to joining the congregation in the Cathedral for the morning service. Look out for a report next month
There will be no Lunches this month as the people who cook them will only get back from Kent on Monday night. Normal service will be resumed in August
Coffee & lunches raising money for charity will be a week later than usual, on Saturday 14th from 10.30 – 2.30 in church
Messy Church is on Sunday 22nd All families are welcome at the Church Centre from 4pm. Children over 11 are welcome at Awesome Youff, but please meet at the Church Centre
On Sunday 29th there will be a talk about the Islamic faith. This is a Churches Together event at 3pm in St Martin’s church and will be followed by light refreshments. All are welcome
Editor's Notepad April 2018
On Saturday 2nd it is our annual Summer Fete from 1 – 4pm. With the Enderby Band and displays from dance groups, we are set for an entertaining afternoon on the Church Green (in the Church Centre if wet). There will be all the usual stalls and games, plus ploughman’s lunches and cream teas. Hope to see you there
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 7th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 21st at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale
Lunches will be on Tuesday 12th 12.30 at the Church Centre. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option (823537)
The closest Saturday to Midsummer’s Day, 23rd June, is the date of the Beaufort Entertainers Summer Concert. Always a lovely selection of music. Don’t forget to book your tickets on 822939
Messy Church is on Sunday 24th. All families are welcome at the Church Centre from 4pm. Children over 11 are welcome at Awesome Youff, but please meet at the Church Centre
Royal wedding
On Saturday 19th May 2018 we rang a quarter peal to celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry and Mehgan Markle. We rang 1260 changes of Plain Bob Minor and it took 45 minutes.
The ringers were:
1. Margie Brimacombe
2. Rebecca Banner
3. Steph Adcoc
4. Steve Bennett
5. Darren Tilley
6. Mark Banner (conductor)
Many thanks to Margie from Croft for standing in at short notice as Tower Captain Greg Jones was unable to make it.
Photo caption: ringers from left to right, Steve Bennett, Darren Tilley, Mark Banner, Steph Adcock, Margie Brimacombe, Rebecca Banner.
Editor's Notepad May 2018
On Sunday 6th May, Dr Miriam Gill returns to give another talk in St Martin’s Church. The subject will be Easter to Ascension: Through the Eyes of the Masters. This will be followed by refreshments and an Easter Carol Service at 5pm for those who wish to stay.
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers.
On Thursday 3rd we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 17th at St
Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977.
On Saturday 5th it is our monthly lunches, which raise money for a variety of charities over the year.
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale.
Lunches will be on Tuesday 8th 12.30 at the Church Centre. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option (823537).
Messy Church is on Sunday 27th. All families are welcome at the Church Centre from 4pm. Children over 11 are welcome at Awesome Youff, but please meet at the Church Centre.
Advance notice for the Summer Fete on Saturday 2nd June. Please put the date in your diary.
Editor's Notepad April 2018
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 5th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 19th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
On Saturday 7th it is our monthly lunches, which raise money for a variety of charities over the year. The March lunches were cancelled because of the snow, but we hope this won’t happen again in April !
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale
Lunches will be on Tuesday 10th 12.30 at the Church Centre. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option (823537)
On Sunday 15th St Martin’s will hold their AGM after morning service. This will be followed by a Bring & Share lunch
Messy Church is on Sunday 22nd. All families are welcome at the Church Centre from 4pm. Children over 11 are welcome at Awesome Youff, but please meet at the Church Centre
On Saturday 28th Churches Together are holding their International Safari Supper. This year we will be focussing on Mexico and the Caribbean. Please see the advert for this event.
Oddfellows Brass Band
On a very chilly Saturday evening in January we welcomed back the Oddfellows Brass Band to St Martin’s for another magnificent concert. Despite the adverse weather conditions, the Church was filled to capacity, the audience eager to listen to this very talented group of musicians. Thank you to all of you who ventured out to support us.
For those unfamiliar with the band, it started as a youth collective under the name Unity Brass in 1981. Based in Markfield, it was founded by Musical Director Rob Boulter and he remains at the helm today. The band has qualified for the National Brass Band Finals on six occasions and have been on several international and European tours.
We were therefore privileged to sit back and enjoy a programme based on music from films, and the band started with Aces High, the 1969 soundtrack of the film Battle of Britain. We sang along to a medley from The Sound of Music, some people testing their yodelling skills to The Lonely Goatherd. A very different piece was Endeavour, which takes its title from Captain James Cook’s ship in which he circumnavigated the globe. We listened to the haunting refrain Gabriel’s Oboe, the main theme from The Mission. With more music from The Battle of Britain and A Fistful of Dollars we were captivated by the range of sound, from the rousing to the sorrowful, demonstrating the versatility of the brass, woodwind and percussion sections.
We would like to thank everyone who helped with refreshments, raffle prizes, and clearing up afterwards. The evening raised an amazing £723 towards the new Church Organ Fund.
We look forward to seeing you at our next St Martin’s concert on 24th March when we welcome the return of the Wabash jazz band.
Jane, Margaret, Tony and Ray.
Editor's Notepad March 2018
Friday 2nd March is Women’s World Day of Prayer. Each year the service focuses on a different country and we learn many interesting facts about places that some people would have a job to pin point on a world map. This year we will be looking at Surinam and women’s lives there. Want to know more? Then come along to St Martin’s church at 2pm.
On Saturday 3rd it is our monthly lunches, which raise money for a variety of charities over the year. Why not give them a try?
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 1st we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 15th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale
Lunches will be on Tuesday 13th 12.30 at the Church Centre. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option (823537)
During Lent we run a series of 5 weekly study groups. These are informal discussions and anyone is welcome. They start on Tuesday March 6th 7.30 at St Martin’s church, then alternate between here and the Free Church. It does not matter if you cannot attend them all; just come when you can
You may have already seen a poster about the jazz concert on Saturday 24th March. The Wabash Jazzmen are a firm favourite with people in and around Desford, so make sure you buy your ticket soon! (822939)
Messy Church falls on Palm Sunday. All families are welcome at the Church Centre from 4pm. We will be doing craft activities based on Easter, whilst those over 11 can try Awesome Youff
Oddfellows Brass Band
On a very chilly Saturday evening in January we welcomed back the Oddfellows Brass Band to St Martin’s for another magnificent concert. Despite the adverse weather conditions, the Church was filled to capacity, the audience eager to listen to this very talented group of musicians. Thank you to all of you who ventured out to support us.
For those unfamiliar with the band, it started as a youth collective under the name Unity Brass in 1981. Based in Markfield, it was founded by Musical Director Rob Boulter and he remains at the helm today. The band has qualified for the National Brass Band Finals on six occasions and have been on several international and European tours.
We were therefore privileged to sit back and enjoy a programme based on music from films, and the band started with Aces High, the 1969 soundtrack of the film Battle of Britain. We sang along to a medley from The Sound of Music, some people testing their yodelling skills to The Lonely Goatherd. A very different piece was Endeavour, which takes its title from Captain James Cook’s ship in which he circumnavigated the globe. We listened to the haunting refrain Gabriel’s Oboe, the main theme from The Mission. With more music from The Battle of Britain and A Fistful of Dollars we were captivated by the range of sound, from the rousing to the sorrowful, demonstrating the versatility of the brass, woodwind and percussion sections.
We would like to thank everyone who helped with refreshments, raffle prizes, and clearing up afterwards. The evening raised an amazing £723 towards the new Church Organ Fund.
We look forward to seeing you at our next St Martin’s concert on 24th March when we welcome the return of the Wabash jazz band.
Jane, Margaret, Tony and Ray.
Editors Notepad February 2018
In 2018 we would really like to have more contributions for the Parish News from YOU the readers. Please do consider writing an article and sending it to patcrane33@gmail.com or phone 823537 if you have written something and would like us to type it. Why not write about your holiday or an interesting trip – at home or abroad - a film or theatre visit, a recipe, a report from a group that you belong to – anything goes!
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 1st we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 15th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale We are looking for new people to help on the rota, so if you could give a couple of hours, once a month, or be on our reserve list, please contact Pam on 822701
Lunches will be on Tuesday 13th 12.30 at the Church Centre. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option (823537)
Editors Notepad January 2018
Our Christmas Tree Festival & Christmas Market are now just a memory, but we hope that everyone felt that this community event provided a great start to the festive season. If you have any comments – or would like to be involved in organising the event this year, please contact patcrane33@gmail.com
Our next event is a concert featuring the Oddfellows Brass Band on Saturday 20th January 7.30pm in church. Tickets or more info available by email follow this link Oddfellows Tickets
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 4th we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 18th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. We will be closed on 2nd January but reopen on the 9th. We are looking for new people to help on the rota, so if you could give a couple of hours, once a month, or be on our reserve list, please contact Pam on 822701
Lunches will be on Tuesday 9th 12.30 at the Church Centre. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option (823537)
Christmas Tree Festival 2017
Our 15th Christmas Tree Festival saw a few changes. Due to the popularity of Santa last year, he moved to a lovely new Grotto in the Church Centre, where there was space to have activities for the children too. The outside Christmas Market was extended from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon, with a ring of marquees borrowed from various sources. Members of Desford in Bloom worked with St Martin’s to put on this super community event and we hope that everyone enjoyed it. A big thank you to all the groups and individuals who decorated one of the trees and to everyone who helped in any way to make it such a successful weekend. The Beaufort Entertainers performed to a full house on the Saturday evening and a separate report will be included next month.
A total of £2 466 net was raised over the 4 days, plus £579 from the Grand Hamper raffle, which was for Rainbows Children’s Hospice this year. The lucky winner was Karen Haylett.
Editors Notepad November 2017
The Forget me Not Café is for people with dementia, and their carers. On Thursday 2nd we meet at Newbold Verdon library from 10.30am – 12 and on Thursday 16th at St Martin’s Church Centre. For further information please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977.
On Saturday 4th in St Martin’s Church are Lunches to raise money for charity: lunches served from 12 noon; coffees from 10.30.
Also on the 4th the Brownies are having a Table Top Sale at the Church centre 10am – 2pm. Come and find a bargain!
On Sunday 5th we have what promises to be an interesting talk by Miriam Gill about the Lindisfarne Gospels. This will be followed by tea and cake and an opportunity to stay for Evensong. All are welcome.
On Saturday 11th it is our Martinmas Fair in the Church Centre from 11.30 -4. Stalls, tasty lunches and seasonal refreshments. Come and start your Christmas shopping.
Before the Fair starts, we will be gathering at the War Memorial just before 11am to keep the Silence. Please join us.
On Sunday there will be Remembrance Services at 10.45 at the War Memorial, at 12.30 at Botcheston War Memorial and 2.30 at the Desford Boys School Memorial.
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in.
Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 14th 12.30 at the Church Centre. All are welcome.
Families are invited to join us for Messy Church on Sunday 26th 3pm at the Church Centre. We will be making decorations for our Christmas tree and enjoying Christmas dinner afterwards.
Advance notice for the Christmas Tree Festival which runs from Friday 1st to Monday 4th December. See the advert elsewhere in the magazine. The Christmas Market is extended this year to Saturday afternoon as well as Friday evening. Santa is moving to the Church Centre. We hope that you will support this community event. Come and see the lovely display of trees and get into the mood for Christmas.
It was certainly a Harvest Service with a difference.
The service, as well as collecting our harvest gifts and giving thanks for another harvest, was used to explain to the children what the Holy Communion was by comparing it with a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
After singing our first traditional hymn ‘Come Ye Thankful People Come’ the children then brought out some labels which started to compare the two and stuck them on a board in front of the altar. Throughout the service various labels were brought up and stuck on. While Peter who was going to celebrate put on his alb and stole and laid out the cloth on the altar, the children took their teddy bears to the picnic corner in front of the pulpit to lay out rugs for their picnic.
During the hymn ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ the children pretended to scatter seeds and then collected the harvest produce brought in by the congregation and with the help of adults arranged them on a table near the picnic area.
We then had two readings one from ‘The Picnic’ from Winnie the Pooh tales. During this reading all his friends mentioned were held up by the children thanks to an adult member of the congregation who has the whole collection! The Biblical reading was ‘The feeding of the 5000’.
We then sang ‘Thank you.’
We then played a game of ‘True or False’ which introduced The Creed.
Our prayers were led by Jane and her two granddaughters Olive and Maple.
The Consecration Prayer was used from a Commissioned set of prayers to be used at children’s Communions. During this prayer at certain points an adult asked’ Why do we do this? Or how do we do this? To which another adult answered ‘Listen and you will hear’.
Holy Communion was administered to the adults by Revd. David Shaw, while Peter blessed the children and gave them grapes, having explaining that grapes were both food and could be turned into wine. I think the children present at Communion services in future will expect them.
As our last song we sang ‘A dingle dangle scarecrow, with a flippy, floppy hat’, which some of the children had learnt at school, during which we did the appropriate actions.
After the service there were games for the children. Unfortunately we had to stay in church as the weather was against us. The children also made the shape of a scarecrow in conkers gathered from the church grounds.
The picnic then followed with the children sitting with bears and adults in various groups eating and enjoying fellowship.
Our harvest gifts were later taken to Braunstone FareShare who were very grateful as there are many people in need of help.
Scarecrow Festival a huge success
Congratulations to Desford in Bloom for a fantastic Scarecrow event over the bank holiday. Your enthusiasm and drive certainly fired the imagination of all those who displayed scarecrows and visitors like..
It was a delight to see so many people in the village all enjoying the atmosphere with so much going on in the church centre and church grounds – bands, dancers, singers, Mad Hatters & Alice
Congratulations too to those from St. Martin’s who made the scarecrows – which won the Business & Community Shield for their display which we keep for a year and then hand it over – unless we can win it again! A challenge!
Editors Notepad September 2017
Lunches to raise money for charity will be Saturday 2nd September in church from 12 noon; coffees served from 10.30
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in
Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 12th 12.30 at the Church Centre. All are welcome
This month sees the launch of a new venture, the Forget Me Not Café. This is a new group that is being set up to offer a meeting time and place for those with dementia and their carers. It is an opportunity to meet others, have a drink and do some activities together. It will run twice a month on a Thursday morning from 10.30am – 12noon. The first Thursday – 7th September – will be at Newbold Verdon library and the third Thursday – 21st September will be at St Martin’s Church Centre. This is mainly for residents of the two parishes, but others are welcome. For further information or queries please contact John Coghlan 07943 026977
Saturday 9th is the annual Ride & Stride day, when people cycle or walk to lots of churches. Their sponsorship money is split between their own church and Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust. The church will be open from 9am – 6pm, so please drop in for refreshments
Another first is on Saturday 16th 7.30pm at the Church Centre, when there will be an illustrated talk about the Wildlife of Namibia. This is being given by Nick Crowley to raise funds for the Barns Charity, which you will also be able to find out about on the night. There will be appropriate refreshments and it promises to be a very interesting evening. Tickets from Pat 823537 patcrane33@gmail.com
Messy Church starts again after the summer break. Families are invited to come and join us on Sunday 24th 3pm at the Church Centre. Activities will be themed around Harvest.
This will prepare us for Harvest Festival on 1st October. The service at 10.30 will be geared for families and will be followed by a bring and share Teddy Bear’s Picnic. We hope to see you and your teddies there!
Editors Notepad August 2017
- Lunches to raise money for charity will be Saturday 5th August in church from 12 noon; coffees served from 10.30
- Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in
- Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 8th 12.30 at the Church Centre. All are welcome, but please book vegetarian option on 823537
- August is a quiet month, but it will end with a bang as Desford puts on its first Scarecrow Festival. Please think about making a scarecrow. Details of how to enter appear in the advert
Editors Notepad July 2017
Lunches to raise money for charity will be Saturday 1st July in church from 12 noon; coffees served from 10.30
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in.
On Wednesday 5th July there will be a Prayer Breakfast, organised by Churches Together. This will be at 9am in St Martin’s church.
On Sunday 9th July Lux Mundi will be at the Free Church at 6pm. This is described as for young people and the young at heart! All are welcome.
Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 11th 12.30 at the Church Centre. All are welcome, but please book vegetarian option on 823537.
On Wednesday 12th July Marilyn Baker, a blind gospel singer, will give a concert at the Free Church at 7pm. All are welcome.
Messy Church will be on Sunday 23rd July, 4pm at the Church Centre. Families welcome.
During the week 24th -28th July, we are organising a Holiday at Home. This is a new venture for St Martin’s and I’m afraid we are only able to accommodate a limited number of people this time.
A garden is a wonderful place to relax
and however the early summer weather is shaping up,
I hope there will be significant moments when you can spend some leisure time working,
resting or entertaining in a garden: your own, or someone else’s.
Right at the beginning of the Bible the idyllic place God chose for Adam and Eve to
dwell was a garden – the ‘Garden of Eden’, a place of perfection and peace.
Right at the end of the Gospel accounts, before his arrest and crucifixion it’s in a garden
that Jesus goes to pray – the ‘Garden of Gethsemane’. And later his body is
taken to “a garden in which there is a new tomb”, where he is buried, and from where he was
raised on that first Easter morning.
So, both the dawn of creation and of the new creation have gardens at their heart.
In “The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God”,
George Bernard Shaw wrote: "The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there."
On 24/25 June, gardens around the village will be open – details will be elsewhere in this
edition and in many other places. Exploring the Open Gardens, we can be renewed and refreshed
as we enjoy their colour, scent and variety. We can draw inspiration from the ideas of others
and of course we can mix and mingle with friends and strangers as we do so.
Hopefully, we may also feel God to be near, whether we are alone or in company,
in the peace of one of these gardens.
A further opportunity – indeed a series of further opportunities exist
in the programme of ‘Quiet Gardens in Leicestershire’. Look up leicestershire.quietgardens.co.uk to
find a programme of some 18-20 Quiet Days being offered in a variety of venues between May and September,
typically running from 10 am to 4 pm.
And remember to thank God for beauty in the world as the village is once more spruced up and filled
with flowers through the efforts of the Desford in Bloom team – noting of course that the best thanks
of all might be to offer to join the watering crews!
Summer Fete A Great Day Out
Thank you to the Enderby Band who set the scene for a lovely day.
Thank you to the Linda Williams dancers and Repco for their very professional displays – which get better each year!
Thank you to all who cooked, provided prizes, time and effort - especially putting up and taking down the tent!
Thanks to everyone who came - making it a great community event.
All our efforts help to achieve £1,970.00 towards the mission of St. Martin’s church - such a fantastic result !!!
Thank You
Editors Notepad June 2017
Charity lunches this month will be replaced by lunches served in church from 12 noon before the Summer Fete on Saturday 3rd June. This opens at 2pm and will have lots of stalls and entertainment, including the Enderby Band, Linda Williams Dance Academy and RepCo drama. We are hoping for fine weather, so that we can be out on the church green
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in
Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 13th 12.30 at the Church Centre. All are welcome, but please book vegetarian option on 823537
On June 18th many members of the church will be in Milford on Sea for this year’s Away Weekend, so why not go to Desford Free Church or St Barts at Kirby Muxloe. You will be made very welcome
Messy Church will not take its usual form this month because it is Open Gardens weekend. Instead there will be craft activities for children & families on the church green. If you come between 2 and 4pm you will also be entertained by Dave Harmers New Orleans Hot Shots. Do allow time to look inside the church and see our exhibition of Memory Boards plus beautiful Quilts from Loving Hands. Luckily the programme for Open Gardens lasts you for 2 days, so I suggest you start on Saturday at 11 o’clock and see how many you can visit. There is a Children’s Trail and don’t forget the Flower Festival in the Free Church. As part of the weekend it is traditional to have a Midsummer Concert by the Beaufort Entertainers. Come and relax after your busy day (Tickets available in advance from 822939)
Lunches in aid of charity will be back as normal on July 1st
To Wynne on 12th March 2017
From all at St. Martin’s Desford
Now at one hundred and five,
Best wishes we all bring,
And congratulations to
Our own beloved Wynne.
A remarkable lady
She doesn’t miss a trick
And mobile yet (if slower)
Her mind’s still sharp and quick.
So we now sincerely all
Join joyfully and sing:
Happy Birthday, and God Bless,
To you, today, dear Wynne
Phyllis Chapman weekend
June 17th – Sun 19th : Returning to: South Lawn Country House Hotel, Lymington Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0RF – 01590 643911 -= events@south lawnhotel.co.uk B & B £90. Friday evening meal £20. Saturday BBQ £10. Very limited single rooms available There are some ground floor rooms Pet friendly rooms available.
Jazz at St.Martins
Saturday the 18th March saw the popular Wabash Jazzmen appearing at St Martins for the 4th time. Over 75 people were there to enjoy another great evening of Traditional/New Orleans jazz played by Mark Challinor and the Wabash Jazzmen.
Mark is one of the UK's leading banjo players and also featured on ukulele and guitar. We were treated to a trombone solo by Richard Leach on Savoy Blues and Gordon Whitworth on trumpet playing an old favourite, Stardust. The five piece outfit (also featuring Mike Haler on reeds and Richard Vernon on bass) also played popular numbers Dans Les Rues D'Antibes and Black Cat on the Fence amongst many others.
All in all a very enjoyable night that the audience did not want to end.
Thank you everyone who supported us and those who provided refreshments and helped to tidy up afterwards.
We were able to put £500 into our Special Project fund for future enhancements to the church.
Oddfellows Brass Band - a sell out !
Saturday 18th February saw a welcome return of the Oddfellows Brass Band - a sell out !
The first set pieces were from “Grease” and we could join in with well known songs: Grease Lightning, You’re the one that I want, and of course Summer Nights – with the collective deep sigh right at the end !
There was a wonderful solo of “On with the motley” – from the opera Pagliacci and we were introduced and learnt about the instruments featured in the band.
The first half finished with the rousing “Dam Busters march” and we all joined the queue for our refreshments.
Second half featured the theme from Black Beauty, the Gaelic Blessing (well known to members of the choir who sing it often at weddings), “Memories” and finished with the theme from “633 Squadron”.
The band are taking part in a competition next week and they played for us their test competition piece of “Born Free”. We wish them well.
After roaring applause, we had an encore of “Delilah” before singing the National Anthem.
It was a wonderful varied programme – not all of which is listed here and It’s hard to put on paper the fantastic sound and thrill we had in listening to such a polished performance – the vibrations around the church were palpable! We are privileged to be able to bring such wonderful music to our village.
Thank you to everyone who came, to those who provided refreshments and for Ray & Jane for organising it all.
You helped to raise £580 which will go towards our “Special Projects”.
Our Access for All project is now finished but there are several things we would still like to see in our church, one of them perhaps being new glass doors at the entrance. Nothing has been decided but we thought we would start the fund going.
Editors’ Notepad May 2017
Coffees & lunches in aid of a named charity will be on Saturday 6th May, with coffee served from 10.30 – 2.30 and lunches from 12 noon. All welcome
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale. Do drop in
Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 9th 12.30 at the Church Centre. All are welcome, but please book vegetarian option on 823537
On Saturday 20th there will be another Murder Mystery Evening. These are very popular, so please ring 822939 to see if there are any tickets left.
Messy Church will be on Sunday 28th at 4pm.in the Church Centre. All families are welcome
Messy Church Dates 2017
My lovely volunteer team have been getting their heads together to look at Messy Church for the year ahead and we have discovered that some of our regular sessions are falling on dates where we are going to struggle to deliver the session. So with apologies for where this is going to happen I thought it best to update you now...
February 2017 - as normal 26th Feb
March DATE WILL MOVE FORWARD ONE WEEK to avoid Mothers Day - new date will be 19th March
NO MESSY ON 23rd April we will be offering a Messy Easter session on Good Friday April 14th.
May as normal NO MESSY ON 25th June as Open Gardens is happening in the village we are hoping to run a Messy craft table outside at the front of the church from 12-6pm as a family drop in session.
July 23rd - as normal
August - Messy on Holiday
Sept -24th as normal
Oct - 22nd as normal
Nov - 26th as normal - this will be our Messy Christmas session
December - NO Messy - There will be the children's Christingle service at 6pm in Church on Christmas Eve.
Notepad February 2017
Charity coffees & lunches resume on Saturday 4th Feb, with coffee served from 10.30 – 2.30. All welcome
Coffee & Chat is on Tuesdays at the Church Centre from 10.30am – 12 noon with books, clothes & bric-a-brac for sale.Do drop in
Monthly lunches will be on Tuesday 14th 12.30 at the Church Centre.
All are welcome, but please book vegetarian option on 823537
On Saturday 18th Feb we welcome back the Oddfellows Brass Band for a concert in church at 7.30pm.
Tickets are available from 824014
Messy Church will be on Sunday 26th Feb at 4pm in the Church Centre. Families welcome
Memories Of A Wonderful Weekend
What a great weekend we had for our 14th Christmas Tree Festival with lots of visitors over the four days. Friday evening was quite outstanding with people having to queue to come into church and I was amazed at the patient behaviour of parents and children who had to wait anything up to 40 minutes to visit Father Christmas
Trying to see the choir and conductor was quite difficult for me at the organ with people packed in the aisles, but at least I had a seat to sit on which most people didn’t.
It was a joy being in church and meeting people and talking to them. We even had some coming from Birmingham and the Isle of Wight and several Leicestershire towns and villages. Talking to one family while they were having some refreshments ended up with me kneeling on the ground while their little girl tried the count the number of Father Christmases on my jumper. She didn’t quite make it as in all there are 47.
I was very impressed with the large number of visitors this year. We had to send down to the Church Centre for more chairs on Saturday night for Beaufort Entertainers Concert, somebody else I hope will write about the concert and Advent Spiral Service held on Sunday evening,
The thought and variety that had gone into the trees was very interesting and informative.
It was hard work for those involved and our grateful thanks must go to Maggie and Pat who bore the most burden of it all for it to happen. Although hard work it can be great fun and enjoyable experience so why not think about ‘helping out’ next year. More hands on deck can make things much easier. There are sitting down jobs for those who are less able to stand.
Peter Folks
Notepad January 2017
On Thursday 8th the Forest Group of the WI will hold their Carol Service in church at 7.30pm
Christmas lunch is on Tuesday 13th at the Church Centre at 12.30. If you have not already signed the list,
please book on 823537
On the evening of Tuesday 13th, there will be a Concert by Hinckley Choral Union at 7.30pm in church
On 14th & 15th Desford Primary School’s Key Stage 2 will be holding their Carol Concerts for parents
This means that the PCC meeting may be changed this month
On Saturday 17th Hinckley & Bosworth Mayor’s Civic Service will take place in church at 1.30pm
(This year’s mayor, Richard Allen, grew up in Desford)
On Sunday 18th it is St Martin’s Carol Service at 6pm, to which all are welcome
On Monday 19th this year’s Sing Christmas will be held at Botcheston Village Hall.
All are welcome to come and sing-along with the Radio Leicester broadcast from 7 – 8pm.
Please be in your seats by 6.50pm
The last Coffee & Chat will reopen on Tuesday 10th January 2017
Messy Church will be back on Sunday 22nd January
Last, but not least, our Christingle Service will be held as usual at 6pm on Christmas Eve.
This is geared particularly towards families, but all ages are welcome
Notepad December 2016
Our 14th Christmas Tree Festival runs from Friday 2nd to Monday 5th December. The church will be open every day from 10am, except Sunday from 12 noon, serving lunches as well as drinks and cake
On Friday the Christmas Market this year will be bigger & better than ever. Santa will be in his Grotto as usual and the choir will be singing carols, and there will be stalls both inside and outside from 6 - 9pm. With a hog roast and mulled wine, there will be plenty to get you in the festive mood
On Saturday evening at 7.30pm there will be the Beaufort Entertainers Christmas Concert (Tickets £8 from 822939)
On Sunday evening at 6pm there will be an Advent Carol Service at which we light our Advent Spiral. All are welcome
On Thursday 8th the Forest Group of the WI will hold their Carol Service in church at 7.30pm
Christmas lunch is on Tuesday 13th at the Church Centre at 12.30. If you have not already signed the list, please book on 823537
On the evening of Tuesday 13th, there will be a Concert by Hinckley Choral Union at 7.30pm in church
On 14th & 15th Desford Primary School’s Key Stage 2 will be holding their Carol Concerts for parents
This means that the PCC meeting may be changed this month
On Saturday 17th Hinckley & Bosworth Mayor’s Civic Service will take place in church at 1.30pm (This year’s mayor, Richard Allen, grew up in Desford)
On Sunday 18th it is St Martin’s Carol Service at 6pm, to which all are welcome
On Monday 19th this year’s Sing Christmas will be held at Botcheston Village Hall. All are welcome to come and sing-along with the Radio Leicester broadcast from 7 – 8pm. Please be in your seats by 6.50pm
The last Coffee & Chat for 2016 will be on Tuesday 20th at the Church Centre, 10.30-12. It will reopen on Tuesday 10th January 2017.
Messy Church has a break this month as the 4th Sunday is Christmas Day, but will be back on Sunday 22nd January
Last, but not least, our Christingle Service will be held as usual at 6pm on Christmas Eve. This is geared particularly towards families, but all ages are welcome
Grand Auction
Thank you to all those who donated items for our auction this year.
We had a busy weekend collecting items on Friday and getting them all catalogued for Saturday
The day itself was very busy and thanks go to our Auctioneer, the band of people who helped display each item, collect monies, help in the kitchen, sell catalogues etc.
We couldn’t have done it without a well oiled team effort.
The final figure raised was £1399.00 which has helped to clear our Access for All account – a project which cost in the region of £170,000!
Well done everyone.
Charity lunches
Thank you to all those who have supported our monthly Saturday lunches which this year have raised £1631.00.
Eight charities have each received £100 and £831 has helped fund our youth group.
These will commence in February next year and we look forward to your continued support.
Editors Notepad October 2016
The church is open for coffee and Charity Lunches from 10.30am – 2.30pm on Saturday 1st October.
Coffee & Chat is every Tuesday at the Church Centre, 10.30-12. Do drop in and browse our books, bric-a-brac and clothes.
On Sunday 9th it is Harvest Festival at 10.30 in church, followed by Harvest Lunch in the Church Centre. If you would like to join us for lunch, please book on 822939.
The monthly lunch is on Tuesday 11th at the Church Centre at 12.30.
If you would like vegetarian, please book on 823537.
The PCC meet on Wednesday 12th at 7.30pm.
Messy Church this month is on Sunday 23rd. Do bring your children/grandchildren along at 4pm at the Church Centre.
Saturday 29th will be a busy day, with the annual Save the Children Sale at the Free Church from 11am – 2.30pm whilst there is an Auction at the Church Centre from 1pm. Plenty of opportunities for a bargain!.
Jane Jerrard
Jane Jerrard was CMS Mission Partner in Pakistan for 20 years.
In April she returned to the UK and is now in Oxford as a member of the Impact Assessment Development Team, training new mission partners.
Jane led the Primary Education Project which included the Literacy Education Awareness Programme in rural Sindh in the diocese of Hyderabad. This programme focussed on girls’ education, setting up as many schools as possible, and has had a great impact on communities. Despite many changes, girls are still marginalised and thousands of children still work in the fields rather than attend school. Jane’s work will be continued by her successor, Lilian Charles, and we should continue to pray for the work of Lilian and her team as well as for Bishop Kaleem John, the Diocese of Hyderabad and the Church of Pakistan as they maintain a Christian presence in a troubled land.
Thank you to all who support our charity lunches.
From February to July this year you have raised £1,034.50
£516.75 has gone into our youth group funds and £100 has been sent to each of the following:
Heartlink, Leprosy Mission, Wateraid, LOROS and Leicester Children’s Holiday Centre at Mablethorpe
£17.75 remains in the account to be added to monies received in August, September, October & November
As you can imagine, we receive lots of correspondence from charities and I was most surprised to learn that Leprosy is still a problem. A look at “The Leprosy Mission England & Wales” website will tell you that this is considered one of the oldest most stigmatised diseases.
Leicester Children’s Holiday Centre at Mablethorpe (one of Leicester’s oldest charities), has for over a century, provided free seaside holidays for over 55,000 children from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. I heard more about them on Radio Leicester – a look at their website will tell you more about them.
Heartlink is in the news again as the NHS consider closing the children’s heart unit which might have a knock on effect for other patients – it faces an uncertain future.
Wateraid monies were sent in a joint donation with Desford Free Church. Wateraid’s website tell us that they work in 37 countries and since 1981 have reached over 23 million people
Our efforts can make a difference.
Thank you once again
Editors Notepad September 2016
The church is open for coffee and Charity Lunches from 10.30am – 2.30pm on Saturday 3rd September.
Coffee & Chat is every Tuesday at the Church Centre, 10.30-12. Do drop in and browse our books, bric-a-brac and clothes.
On Saturday 10th September it is the annual Ride & Stride. A group of cyclists will be setting off from St Martin’s, so please contact 823589 if you would like to join them
The weekend of 10th/ 11th September is the national Heritage Open Weekend. Because of a wedding at 12 noon, the church will only be open from 2pm on the Saturday and from 12 noon after the service on Sunday. Do come along to view the exhibition Forward Sisters, Local Women in Politics and have some tea & cake.
The monthly lunch is on Tuesday 13th at the Church Centre at 12.30. If you would like vegetarian, please book on 823537.
The PCC meet on Wednesday 14th at 7.30pm.
On Friday 16th there will be a Barn Dance at the Caterpillar Social Club see details in the advert elsewhere in the magazine.
Messy Church this month is on September 25th with the theme of Messy Harvest. Do bring your children/grandchildren along at 4pm at the Church Centre.
Phyllis Chapman weekend 2016
Saturday saw Stella, Margaret & Tony set sail (well at least we caught the ferry) to the Isle of Wight – very good value – only £11 return for those of pension age (whew we just made that criteria!)
Being organised sort of people we had looked at various bus trips around the island. We decided to “do the costal” one – no go – it went from Ryde and we were going to Yarmouth. So it was democratically decided (by the bus route) that we would go down “the left side” (as you look at the map) to the Needles and back again.
On the way we stopped off at Alum Bay which has a centre with various food outlets, tea rooms, children’s rides and a chair lift down to the beach. Cup of tea won first choice and then a trundle around the glass blowing shop – before catching the bus down to the Needles old battery and then a walk down the cliff to the new battery.
This was developed in the 1950’s and used as a secret establishment for testing and launching Prospero – a communication satellite – which although no longer used still sends back messages . It was here that the secret rockets Black Knight and Black Arrow were tested - the latter being the one which launched Prospero from Woomera in Australia. Under the cliffs were still sections of the war rooms with maps and detailed drawings – a fascinating place. It was dismantled – rather short-sightedly in the 1960’s as “they” could see no use for such a thing as a communication satellite! If only they had known!
Back on the bus to Yarmouth, where we stopped for lunch and meandered around the shops and port (couldn’t see daddy’s yacht anywhere!) Then back on the ferry to our lovely hotel for a rest before dinner.
Other going’s on will be written about by others – watch this space!
Light in our Darkness Banner
Many years ago people have asked me “Why do we change the colours of the Altar frontals?”
I replied “To follow the Church’s seasons, not our actual seasons”
In October I was inspired to do a Candle Banner – Light in our Darkness incorporating the Church’s year. We are often in “darkness” in our lives, but Christ’s Light is there for all to see.
Beginning with left to right ….
ADVENT – Purple – getting ready for our Saviour – star
Followed by Red/Gold for our Saviour’s birth – CHRISTMAS
Then green for EPHIPHANY – Arrival of the three Magi (Kings)
LENT - purple
GOOD FRIDAY – blue with the Cross, Crown of Thorns and nails
White/Gold for EASTER SUNDAY
PENTECOST – Red/Gold – Dove and Flame of the Holy Spirit
TRINITY – green with the Triquetra and Circle – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
HARVEST – in autumn colours – grapes and wheat used in bread and wine
and finally to balance the candles – white to represent Christ’s EUCHARIST
I hope this gives pleasure to many people. God gave us His precious Gift – Jesus. He in turn gives us many Gifts and we should use them to His glory.
May He be the Light in your Life
Sheila Allum
Milford on Sea
Editors Notepad August 2016
On 3rd August a group are going to Launde Abbey for lunch. The places are all taken, but if you would be interested in a future visit, please get in touch on 823537
The church is open for coffee and Charity Lunches from 10.30am – 2.30pm on Saturday 6th August
Coffee & Chat is every Tuesday at the Church Centre, 10.30-12. Do drop in and browse our books, bric-a-brac and clothes
The monthly lunch is on Tuesday 9th at the Church Centre at 12.30. If you would like vegetarian, please book on 823537
The PCC meet on Wednesday 10th at 7.30pm
A new venture for Churches Together is an International Safari Supper on Saturday 20th August. Do read the advert elsewhere in the magazine and join in, by cooking and/or coming along to sample the food
Messy Church this month is taking a well earned break, but will be back on September 25th with Messy Harvest
The Youth Café also takes a break from the regular Wednesday night sessions, but there are lots of exciting trips on offer.
Beaufort Entertainers Concert
The Entertainers Summer concert this year proved to be a very popular event and surprisingly well supported, despite falling on an evening when, for various reasons, there were a host of clashing events in the surrounding villages. The programme was introduced in his incomparable style by Carl, who surpassed himself by setting his opening address into the lyrics of a song, perfectly fitting the tune “Aurelia”, better known as the hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation….”, or, to some older people, the tune to “Fred Karno’s Army”! This great opening stepped seamlessly (thanks to Peter and Mary) into Hubert Parry’s majestic coronation anthem “I was Glad”. Wow, what an opening, with the whole ensemble split into two separate choirs of four sections each. A carefully chosen contrast followed with the pensive “Benedictus”, from Karl Jenkins’ “The Armed Man”.
The contrasting styles and moods continued with the ladies singing a well balanced “Somewhere, Over the Rainbow” by Harold Arlen, from “The Wizard of Oz”, incorporating a well-received solo by Jane. It was then the turn of the men with the rumbustious “Hippopotamus Song”, by Michael Flanders and Donald Swann, accompanied very strongly by the audience and the ladies on the unforgettable chorus. Nice to get people singing along. Yet more contrast followed with a quartet comprising Qyam, Stephanie, Stuart and Zoe, which performed, very vigorously, “Brightly Dawns our Wedding Day” by Gilbert and Sullivan. The audience were, indeed, enthusiastically receiving a Cook’s Tour of the musical world and it is clear that variety really is the spice of life where concerts such as this are concerned.
The pace and mood moved into an altogether more gentle phase with the next three pieces. First came Stanford’s haunting a capella “The Blue Bird”. This piece requires great concentration on timing, breathing and pitch but the Entertainers proved well equal to the task, very much thanks to Mary’s careful direction and understanding of this difficult work. This was followed by Mozart’s “Lacrimosa”, a short but moving piece, well known to music lovers everywhere. Again, the understated and carefully controlled tempo direction gave a gloss to a testing piece, which rather hides the many hours of patient practice (plus mastery of the latin lyric!). The ladies were once more into their stride with the “Nun’s Procession” from “The Sound of Music”, which then modulated into the rather better known music and words of the show title, featuring the full choir. Quite a tricky arrangement and, like all Rodgers and Hammerstein songs, a tough act for a choir to follow (considering the money spent on the original sound tracks). Nevertheless, the Entertainers, nothing daunted, gave it their best shot and the audience appreciated it.
The final offerings for the first half were Reginald Spofforth’s glee carol, “Hail Smiling Morn”, a really bright and cheerful Yorkshire favourite, very enjoyable to sing. Finally, a very unusual tongue-twisting adaptation by Geehl of Strauss’s “Radetsky March”; a truly martial and cheerful foot-tappper, with which to close the session. The very skilful progamme selection for both halves showed, in the opinion of the writer, a real attention to justifying our title as “Entertainers”; the audience certainly seemed to think so.
The refreshment fare for the interval was up to the high standards normally exhibited by the dedicated group of helpers, led by Pat, Maggie and Margaret, Ray and Jane. It must be said that these ever-willing hands are the key to the popularity of Desford events and more ought to be done, where possible, to ease and spread the burden. After the break, matters moved apace into the customary Steve Pither Productions Corporation dramatics (Lawrence Olivier had nothing on Steve, for high quality, big budget productions!). A somewhat eccentric mix of rural and bucolic committee goings-on, rather reminiscent of “the Vicar of Dibley”, perhaps. Who knows? Nevertheless, the chosen thespians did their rustic and rude best, rather like Nick Bottom’s village players in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Anyway, we are all open to offers from the London Stage (or, perhaps as farm workers; don’t all rush at once) and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Keep up the good work, Steve.
The second half, under the direction of David, began with the perennially popular “Easter Hymn”, from Mascagni’s “Cavaleria Rusticana”. This fine piece, well suited to the occasion and the performers, showed a real tribute to the hard work put in by David. Zoe performed the solo passages with confidence and we all hope that David was pleased with the result of his labours on this, one of his favourite works. The next item was a really quite sublime harmony offering, “What Sweeter Music”, by John Rutter. This is a fine setting of the well known “Hesperides” work by Robert Herrick, sometimes known as ‘Herrick’s Carol’. Robert Herrick was of the same Herrick family that first bought the land, beneath which rested the bones of King Richard III, following the dissolution of the former Franciscan priory in Greyfriars, Leicester, a family that is connected to Leicester and County to this day. The Entertainers managed this difficult work very creditably, and we hope to sing it again, sometime.
A completely new item followed, with Peter and Nev providing a medley of snatches of tunes on organ and trombone, to provide a quiz of the tune titles. A great idea and very popular, well done, both; such a variety offering is ideal for light-hearted concerts, such as we aim to present. The choral offering continued with a sweet little hymn, “Bread and Fishes”, accompanied very well by the audience, thanks to Tony’s overhead screen show; there is a lot to be said for a multi-media facility. Next, came “Any Dream Will Do’, from Josepha and His Amazing Technicolour …… with Stuart who went on with the often sung “Bring him home” piece from the show “Les Miserables. The quartet then provided two more G&S pieces, “Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day” and “Strange Adventure Wedding Day”; the wedding theme of these pieces had its explanation in the next surprise item by the Choir, “the Lord Bless You and Keep you”, to congratulate Stuart and Zoe on their forthcoming wedding. Well done, both and to the Quartet.
The final two pieces of the concert were both from Karl Jenkins’ “Stabat Mater”, the “Sancta Mater” and “Paradisi Gloria”. These pieces are very testing, indeed, particularly for conductor and accompanist. It was a very great credit to David and Peter that these pieces went well; two musician members of the audience, one very familiar with the works of Karl Jenkins, asked the writer of this article to make sure to express great appreciation to both Peter and David for their fine work and I am glad to pass this sentiment on. The “Stabat Mater” has a wealth of interesting and listenable items within it and it is nice to sing some of them, now and then.
So, there it was for another concert. It only remains to express the feelings, on behalf of the Entertainers, first to the audience for their wonderful appreciation and participation, without which our offerings would not work; please, please come again. There will, of course, be a Christmas Concert and we may also be able to put on a Sunday afternoon concert, before that, later in the Autumn, watch this space…….
Finally, our deepest gratitude must go to Peter, David and Mary, for their skill, patience and commitment to all musical matters at Desford, to Tony and Margaret for their hard work in selling tickets and preparing for the event, to Carl, Maggie and Pat and all other helpers; strength to all your arms, roll on the next one,
Michael Tookey
Summer Fete 2016
We spent all week looking at weather maps and on Saturday 12th June at 10am we were assured that there would not be any rain that day until 8pm
So our band of volunteers helped transport tables, chairs and tent from the centre to church while others prepared lunches inside.
When it was all nicely set up – it rained!
Too late to do anything about it so we covered what we could with bin liners and waited for it to stop, then wiped down tables and chairs and brought tablecloths in to dry, -- a good time to have lunch!
By 2pm we were ready again and were pleased to see so many who came out to support our “Summer” fete.
The children’s games of hook a duck, hoop – la, coconut shy, mugs of sweets, toy stall and a children’s trail went down very well – as did the ice cream! Adults enjoyed what the various stalls had to offer or sat and enjoyed cream teas, wine, Pimms and hot dogs whilst listening to the Enderby band before wandering into the church to buy cakes. Our friends from St Bartholomew’s ran a Fair Trade stall (raising about £100).
We were entertained in a very professional way, firstly by The Theatre Workshop Display – did you see the children perform “A Chinese Tale”? A very good use of choir white surplices we no longer use! They were joined by Repco a newly formed Repertory Company of year 7s from Desford.
After another short shower and a short interval of band playing, saw the Linda Williams Dancers give another very polished performance.
Thank you to all who helped take down the tent and transport various items back to the centre
and those who served lunches and cream teas.
Thank you if you provided prizes, baked and of course helped run the stalls.
Despite the old drop of rain, the weather mostly held up to provide another community feel to our summer fete which raised £1,610 towards our church funds and it is all thanks to YOU.
Let’s Meet – Dan McSharry
St Martin’s welcomed Dan McSharry as our new youth worker in September 2015 and it was a pleasure to meet him in the Church Centre for a chat about his life and vision for youth work in Desford. Dan was born in Kettering and brought up in Wellingborough. His father is a railway signalling engineer and, when Dan was younger, his mother was a volunteer worker with people with learning difficulties. He has two older brothers: one leads a church in Loughborough and also works for “Home for Good”, a Christian charity for adoption and fostering. His other brother is training to be an accountant. Dan’s mother became a Christian when Dan was born and he attended church regularly from an early age. Read more..
Notepad June
The church is open as usual for Charity Lunches from 12 noon on Saturday 4th June, but following on from this, between 2 and 4pm we are offering Tea for the Queen. To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, we are opening up the church and churchyard for a Village Celebration. We will be doing cream teas, but encourage families to bring a picnic and join in the occasion. Enderby Brass Band will play appropriate music, so don’t forget to bring a flag to wave and a hat to wear. There will be activities for the children and the opportunity to donate 10p pieces to one of the Queen’s charities
The following weekend is the Summer Fete on Saturday 11thJune from 12 for lunches and 2pm for all kinds of stalls. Enderby Band will be playing again. We are hoping for good weather on both occasions
Coffee & Chat is every Tuesday at the Church Centre, 10.30-12. Do drop in and browse our books, bric-a-brac and clothes
The monthly lunch is on Tuesday 14th at the Church Centre at 12.30. If you would like vegetarian, please book on 823537
The PCC meet on Wednesday 8th at 7.30pm
This month’s concert is by the Beaufort Entertainers on Saturday 25th June at 7.30pm in church. Tickets from 822939, to include refreshments. Do come and support our local choir
Messy Church this month is on Sunday 26th June 4pm at the Church Centre. There will be craft activities followed by a short service in church and ending with a meal. All families are welcome, but no unaccompanied children please
A Great Night With The Wabash Jazzmen
On St George’s day, St Martin’s welcomed for the 3rd time the Wabash Jazzmen.
This highly entertaining hot five came together in 1994 with the desire to create a new sound on the trad jazz scene. All five of them are superbly accomplished musicians with Mark Challoner on the banjo and guitar and Richard Vernon on string bass. In front of this rhythm section are Mike Haler on clarinet / saz, Richard Leach on trombone and Gordon Whitworth on trumpet.
They played a wonderful mix of trad standards and spiritual music and we were even treated to a r & b number “Kansas City” which took Mike back to his younger days! The acoustics in the church could have been built for this quintet which was appreciated by an audience of 75.
Thanks to Kelvin for his advice and support, the team who provided the refreshments and Ewan and Ray on the door and raffle respectively.
A fantastic evening was had by all raising £500 for our Access for All fund.
Messy Church April
St Martin’s church has been successfully running Messy Church at St Martin’s Church Centre (Main Street) for 4 years now. Messy Church sessions are held on the 4th Sunday of each month starting at 4pm. Each session is based around a Christian theme and we keep to the traditional Messy values about being Christ centred, for all ages and based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Messy Church is a way of being church for families which involves a whole host of fun.
It is church session, not a craft club, which helps families encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour in a relaxed, enjoyable, and interactive way.
We are blessed to have a great team of welcoming volunteers who are brave enough to dive into supervising the messiest of crafts, are unflappable in the kitchen catering for unknown numbers at meal time, and delivering engaging, interactive child centric, short Christian services in our church.
Each Messy Church session will cover a bible story or Christian values for example
Forgiveness, Love, Prayer, Sin and Repentance.
New families are always welcome; (all children are required to be accompanied by a responsible adult please). The session begins with the children, mums, dads and grandparents getting creative with the crafts, sticky with glue, glitter and paints and become Jamie Olivers with bible baking. The room becomes a lively and joyous place, somewhere to spend quality time as a family and to meet others.
The next Messy element is our celebration where we all go into church for our short service.
Our worship is very relaxed, understanding that children have a short attention span and often have trouble sitting still!
Our final Messy element is to sit down and eat a hot meal together and our amazing kitchen team are ready to serve tea as soon as we finish our celebration.
Sessions are provided by St Martin’s free of charge although we welcome donations.
If you have any questions or would just like to be placed on the Messy Email circulation so you can see what is going on each month, please contact
Kay Smith (Messy Organiser )
kaysmith29@aol.com, Tel: 07928 657736
Parental permission has been given for the use of this photo.
Notepad May
The church is open for Charity Lunches from 12 noon on Saturday 7th May. Coffee & cake from 10.30.
Coffee & Chat is every Tuesday at the Church Centre, 10.30-12.
Do drop in and browse our books, bric-a-brac and clothes
The monthly lunch is on Tuesday 10th at the Church Centre at 12.30. If you would like vegetarian,
please book on 823537
The PCC meet on Wednesday 11th at 7.30pm
This month’s concert is by the Oddfellows Brass Band on Saturday 14th May at 7.30pm in church.
It is sure to be a lively occasion.
Tickets £8 from 824014, to include refreshments.
Look out for our Churches Together Open Air Service at Sport in Desford at 10am on May 15th.
This will precede the Carnival which runs from 11am to 4pm. We hope that you will bring the family and support this community event. There will be craft activities for children in the marquee.
Please note that Messy Church this month is a week late, on Sunday 29th May 4pm at the Church Centre.
There will be craft activities based around the theme of Birthdays (to link to the Queen’s 90th birthday), followed by a short service in church and ending with a meal. All families are welcome, but no unaccompanied children please.
Advance notice that on Saturday 4th June we will be having Tea for the Queen, hopefully outside on the church lawn, but indoors if wet. We invite all the community to join in this event.
This year’s Womens World Day of Prayer was produced by Cuba
with the theme of children “Receive them, Receive me”
Ladies from Desford Free Church joined us (and several gentlemen too) as we too joined with women all round the world to celebrate this special day. Services would have begun when the sun came up in the east and ended as it went down in the west.
We started by writing an individual label with our names and / or a name of someone who needed our prayers.
These formed part of our “offering” and were taken home by each of us to pray for that particular person.
A comprehensive set of slides was shown as an introduction to Cuba itself with a narrative read by Hilary and seven of us had parts to play in explaining the country and customs – as shown in the photo. We sang hymns and prayed and had a time of reflection – again from a set of slides which gave us food for thought as to how we treat children. After the service we enjoyed fellowship together.
Thank you to Jane and Ann for organising us, Kay for dressing up in local costume and leading us, Peter for playing the organ and Tony for operating the sound and video system. Thank you too to the ladies who baked the delicious cakes to Cuban recipes. Our collection of £115.20 will be sent to WWDP HQ
Women’s World Day of Prayer – a celebration of Cuba
There was definitely a Cuban feel in the air on March 4th when we celebrated the Women’s World
Day of Prayer at St Martin’s. Salsa music provided the backdrop to the service written by Christian
women in Cuba to celebrate Jesus’ call to put children at the centre of God’s Kingdom:
“Receive them; receive me.” Our volunteer ladies donned colourful costumes to enthusiastically
perform their roles in what was a thought provoking and happy service. I will never forget our
“buenas tardes” greetings to each other in the Cuban version of the “peace” that we celebrate in
our services. I hope that everyone who came along gained an insight into the country and its culture.
Afterwards we joined together in St Martin’s café to enjoy traditional Cuban lemonade (well, it was a
very cold day so understandably hot drinks were more popular!), coconut cookies, and cake, provided
by our volunteer bakers. Many thanks are due to everyone who contributed in any way to the service,
you are too numerous to mention here but you know who you are!
On a more serious note, prior to the service I was unaware of the persecution suffered by
Christians in Cuba. It seems that all religious activities and institutions are strictly regulated by the
Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party. This does make one think about, and be grateful
for, the freedom we have in the UK to worship.
The WWDP is an international Christian organisation whereby a different country prepares
a service every year to be held internationally on the same day. A bit like the start of a New Year,
services begin when the sun comes up in the east and ends as it goes down in the west.
Next year the service will be hosted by Desford Free Church. I do encourage you to come
along in 2017 for an informative, thoughtful and enjoyable experience.
Jane Harwood
New Church Layout
Come alog and see the new church layout, we think you will like the change
Charity Giving for 2015
Thank you to everyone who through 2015 has helped with our charity lunches and other charity giving.
You have helped to raise £2,770.30 as listed below:
£230.00 Christian Aid appeal for the Nepal Earthquake
£ 50.00 Leics. & Rutland Bat Group – raised by our youth group
£258.89 Children’s Society collection boxes
£530.00 Historic Churches Bike Ride
£654.00 Menphys – Christmas Tree Festival raffle
£140.41 Loros – raised in memory of John Adams
£ 41.00 In lieu of Christmas Cards
£211.00 Childrens Society from our Christingle Service
Charity Lunches Raised £652.97 for our youth project as well as the following:
£100.00 Marie Curie
£100.00 Reality Bus project
£100.00 British Polio Fellowship
£100.00 SSAFA
£100.00 Disaster Emergency Committee – Nepal
£100.00 Menphys
£ 55.00 Christians Against Poverty
In addition :
From our Harvest Festival we sent fresh produce to the Emmaus Project and oil, flour etc to Fare Share
Christmas gifts in a shoebox to Operation Christmas Child
Christmas gifts for the elderly for distribution by the Salvation Army
We helped with the village collection for Christian Aid £1,687.28
At our Martinmas Fayre our friends from St Barts raised £137 for Fare Share and Penny raised funds
for Blue Cross animal charity.
Thank you to Ceinwen who is raising funds for church and Traidcraft
Chapman Adventure Weekend
Following a successful reconnaissance visit to the New Forest we can confirm that this year’s Phyllis Chapman
parish weekend will start on Friday 15th July to Milford on Sea on the edge of the New Forest opposite
the Isle of Wight. The format will be similar to former years with:
A 3 course meal, including coffee, at the hotel on Friday evening at a cost of £20 a head
(you can decide your selection on the night from a choice each of 4/5 starters, mains and desserts)
On Saturday the “fit” ones amongst you have the opportunity to take a cycle ride planned by Robin and
Ruth Astle (cycle hire available)
For non-cyclists there is much to do around the area with the seaside, Hurst Castle, the New Forest
(we are close to Lymington and the IOW ferry)
On the Saturday evening the hotel will provide a BBQ at a cost of £8 per head in a separate room and bar,
so that we can “entertain ourselves” In true St. Martin’s fashion.
On the Sunday morning we will worship with the congregation at All Saints Church Milford on Sea
followed by coffee.
As usual some of us will stay 3 nights, some 2 nights, some will take advantage of the hotel we have
arranged and some will make their own accommodation arrangements.
HOTEL - Nev has negotiated an excellent hotel deal in his inimitable fashion as follows:
For two sharing the cost per each night you stay ( Friday/Saturday/Sunday) will be £83 per room for
bed and Breakfast
Very limited single rooms available at £70 per room per night so share if you can.
There are some ground floor rooms, pets allowed at a small charge.
IMPORTANT - The hotel has reserved 18 rooms for us UNTIL 14TH FEBRUARY.
bookings taken after that depending on availability.
South Lawn Country House Hotel, Lymington Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0RF,
01590 643911 -= events@south lawnhotel.co.uk
Please book before 14th Feb if you intend to come as some were disappointed last year.
A comprehensive application form will be available next week,
this early warning due to the hotel lead time!!
Hope you can come.
Tony Stokes
Talents 2015/16
We are now bringing to a conclusion our “Access for All” project which, over several years has the aim of
enhancing and adapting our 800 year old church building for wider community use.
The first part of our project provided a lift, and we have now seen the installation of two WC’s
(one accessible), a kitchen, office and storage. The project did not originally include the upgrading
of our limited internal lighting or multi-media system but continued grant applications have enabled
this to be done as well as providing a new boiler – which failed at the last minute! The reordering of the
seating arrangements has facilitated space for more community events. The project enables access for
those with difficulties and opens up opportunities to substantially increase community use of the building.
All we have achieved could not have been done without the tremendous efforts of Nev & Tony in applying
for grants, generous donations received and our fantastic “Talents” which have provided fun and food and
given us a real feeling of togetherness. We have also managed to get VAT refunds on some of the work.
When all the funds and grants have been received, we will have a shortfall of approx. £6,000 which we
hope will be covered by our “Talents” efforts this year.
We started the year with Peter & Sheila displaying their Christmas Village, Jane & Ian fed us well with
an Italian meal in January and events to date will be found on the posters below – in the pipeline
we have more concerts including one with a brass band and an auction ……………. So watch this space